Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer is over...

Hello everyone!

I am back from my vacations to Kos island. The island is beautiful and we had a great time. We visited many archaeological monuments that are scattered all over the island,  castles, ancient temples, old theatres and the Ancient Market.  Over time Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans and Italians have passed through the island leaving their marks on it.

Kos is the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. We saw the Tree under which he used to teach. It still stands in the centre of the town, being the oldest tree in Europe and one of the oldest worldwide (more than 2000 years old). The Asklepieion is undoubtedly the most important monument that we visited, the oldest and most famous centre of healing in the ancient world. 

I should not forget to mention all the beautiful sandy beaches that we visited!  

That's it. Kos island is one of my best places to be!


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